Because your satisfaction is our priority, our laboratories are committed to a quality approach to ensure the continuous improvement of our services.

Following your visit to one of our laboratories, and to better meet your expectations, we would appreciate it if you could kindly respond to this satisfaction questionnaire.

Regarding your visit

In which laboratory did you have your sample taken?

What is your level of satisfaction regarding the physical reception at the laboratory?

1 2 3 4 5

Cleanliness of the premises 

Friendliness of the staff 

Waiting time at the counter 

Confidentiality observed 

Administrative assistance (social security, health insurance) 

Opening hours 

Ease of access and parking

Accessibility for individuals with reduced mobility

How satisfied are you with the analysis process?

Waiting time before sampling

Sampling procedure

Compliance with hygiene rules

How do you access your results?

Plusieurs choix sont possibles

How satisfied are you with the results?

1 5

Generally speaking, how would you rate your visit to the laboratory?